This April Carolina Catholic show features interviews with two speakers from the 2015 Ignited By Truth Catholic Conference: Patrick Madrid and Melissa Ohden.  

Patrick Madrid

Patrick is president of the Catholic Apologetics Academy and author of 20 books, including Why Be Catholic?, Search and Rescue, Answer Me This, and Envoy for Christ:25 Years as a Catholic Apologist. He hosts the “Patrick Madrid Show,” airing M-F from 6:00 to 9:00 am Pacific. The program is produced and distributed by Immaculate Heart Radio and ranks as the most-listened-to show in Catholic radio. He earned a B.Phil. in philosophy and an MA in dogmatic theology from the Pontifical College Josephinum and is currently engaged in doctoral studies for a Ph.D. in Church history. He has taught theology at Franciscan University and is an adjunct professor of theology at Holy Apostles College and Seminary. Patrick and his wife, Nancy, have 11 children and 15 grandchildren.


Melissa Ohden

Melissa is the survivor of a failed saline infusion abortion in 1977. Despite the initial concerns regarding Melissa’s future after surviving the attempt to end her life and being born alive at approximately seven months gestation, she has not only survived but thrived. With a Master’s Degree in Social Work, she has worked in the fields of substance abuse, mental health, domestic violence/sexual assault counseling, and child welfare. Melissa and her husband Ryan have a daughter, Olivia, whose birth at the same hospital where Melissa’s life was supposed to end, has significantly shaped Melissa’s ministry.

Melissa was formerly a College Outreach Speaker with Feminists for Life and former Patron of Real Choices Australia. She is the Founder and Director of For Olivia’s Sake, an organization which seeks to raise awareness of the intergenerational impact of abortion on men, women, children, families, and communities. The birth of Olivia, her first child, in 2008, who never would have existed if Melissa’s birthmother’s abortion would have succeeded in ending her life, prompted Melissa to create this organization that would positively raise awareness of the ripple effect of abortion across generations.

In 2012, Melissa founded The Abortion Survivors Network after recognizing the number of abortion survivors and how most felt alone in this role, and after recognizing the need for the public to be educated about the reality of failed abortions and abortion survivors. Since ASN’s inception, Melissa has been in contact with over 160 survivors and she is working on a healing ministry curriculum and a retreat for survivors.


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