Gender Identity

For our August show, Carolina Catholic addressed the issue of gender identity with Deacon Patrick Lappert, M.D., a plastic surgeon, a retired Naval captain, a USMC fighter pilot, and Chaplain for Courage for the Diocese of Birmingham. As a plastic surgeon and as a Catholic deacon, Dr. Lappert will share how his work as a plastic surgeon and a Catholic deacon is at the nexus of this issue where many seek medical and surgical options. In addition, Dr. Lappert will share his own conversion story from atheism to the Catholic faith and his ordination as a permanent deacon. 


Patrick W. Lappert, M.D. is a Permanent Deacon in the Diocese of Birmingham in Alabama. He has been married to Patrice Ann Oberst for 34 years. They have 6 grown children. Deacon Lappert was raised in a Jewish home, but lived most of his adult life as an atheist. He converted and was received into the Catholic Church in 1995. Deacon Lappert was trained and Board Certified first as a general surgeon, then as a Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon. He is a veteran of the Naval Service, retiring with the rank of Captain, USN, after serving for 24 years. In addition to being the Chief of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery for the Portsmouth Naval Hospital, he also served the Surgeon General, USN, as the Specialty Leader for Reconstructive Surgery. Dr. Lappert established the Craniofacial Reconstructive Surgery Unit, as well as the Wound Care Center for the largest medical treatment facility in the world. Additionally, Dr. Lappert served for 3 years with the United States Marine Corps, flying in the F4 Phantom wit VMFA-451.

Deacon Lappert divides his time between his private practice of plastic surgery and serving as deacon at Annunciation of the Lord Catholic Church in Decatur, AL. He is also Chaplain for Courage in the Diocese of Birmingham. 

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Show Notes

Deacon Lappert talk for Courage


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